

2024-07-25T10:53:10+01:009 Maart 2022|

Flowsand In woongebieden met veel verharding kan in de zomer de temperatuur van straatwerk oplopen tot


2024-07-25T10:53:11+01:009 Maart 2022|

Flows Flows supports water policymakers, professionals and aquatically engaged citizens with knowledge and inspiration by organising


2024-11-04T10:06:14+01:002 Maart 2022|

Hillblock Hillblock is een innovatieve dijksteen. Dit betonnen dempingselement heeft unieke eigenschappen die bijdragen aan bovengemiddelde


2024-07-25T10:53:18+01:002 Maart 2022|

FlexBase FlexBase designs and implements floating foundations used to build on the water. Foundations to structures

Field Factors

2024-07-25T10:53:19+01:002 Maart 2022|

Field Factors Field Factors offers location-specific solutions to manage water in a meaningful way. Solutions applicable


2024-07-25T10:53:20+01:002 Maart 2022|

eXtra eXtra provides an innovative self-extracting flood-barrier as a robust and solid solution against flooding.

Elemental Water Makers

2024-07-25T10:53:25+01:002 Maart 2022|

Elemental Water Makers Elemental Water Makers enables a reliable supply of affordable clean water, using only


2024-07-25T10:53:26+01:002 Maart 2022|

EQA-Box EQA-Box offers a hydropower solution to easily and reliably produce sustainable energy any place that


2024-07-25T10:53:27+01:002 Maart 2022|

EQA-River EQA-River offers a floating hydropower installation, designed to produce clean energy from the velocity of


2024-07-25T10:53:35+01:002 Maart 2022|

DeSaH Desah offers a compact modular decentralized wastewater treatment system. Separating concentrated waste water from less