Plastic Removing Solutions: CanalCleaner & Circleaner
Noria uses sustainable methods and systems to remove plastic close to the source. This way we can prevent the plastic from floating into the oceans, where it will degrade into small particles that are difficult to remove.

The CirCleaner is developed for outer city areas like rivers, where current plays an important role.The system is positioned in such a way that the current pushes the plastic into the system. The slowly turning paddle wheel scoops the plastic out of the water and collects it in a storage container inside the wheel.

The CanalCleaner is a product specially developed for urban areas like canals and ports. Based on the principle of the Archimedes screw, plastic is scooped out of the water and collected inside the container which can be easily emptied.
Noria Sustainable Innovators
Rinze de Vries
+31 (0)6 24856070

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